‘received’) form based on the speech of privately-educated men and their families (the ‘Public School Pronunciation’ described by Jones 1917). Many linguists argue that it is outdated, reflecting the prestigious standard of the socially and economically elite a socially acceptable (i.e. The Third Edition of the OED transcribes British English according to a system rooted in the model of ‘Received Pronunciation’ (RP) developed by Professor Clive Upton for Oxford Dictionaries in the 1990s. Review the pronunciation key for British English here, or return to the main pronunciation page. Speak as much French as you can, and don't worry about your pronunciation.Home How to use the OED Pronunciations Pronunciation model: British English Pronunciation model: British English.Accompanying listening tapes provide models for exceptionally thorough work on pronunciation, stress, and intonation.It seems likely that a considerable amount of valuable new research on pronunciation will grow out of the study of discourse.The differences among these dialects, which mainly involved pronunciation, were similar to differences among dialects in the present-day United States.

S3 noun 1 SL the way in which a language or a particular word is pronounced pronunciation of Do you know the correct pronunciation of these Gaelic names? 2 SL a particular person’s way of pronouncing a word or words Examples from the Corpus pronunciation.From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics: Linguistics pronunciation pro‧nun‧ci‧a‧tion / prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃ ən /